
The Best Time to Visit London | Seasons, Weather, and Activities

Best Time to Go to London

Big Ben in London on cloudy, overcast day

Ever felt a special connection to a city? Well, London is that place for many across the globe. Whether that’s because it’s the home of the royal family or the heart of the Harry Potter universe, London showcases some gorgeous attractions recognized worldwide. You’ll enjoy unique experiences you won’t find anywhere else.

Now, you’re probably wondering: when are the best times to visit London? This guide will walk you through the seasons, weather, and activities you can expect.

View of London and the River Thames from the Shard

Best Months to Visit London

When it comes to the best months to visit London, late spring and early summer months are usually the most popular. So, let’s look at the weather conditions for the spring months; March, April, and May.

Queen Victoria Memorial in London with rainbow

London Weather by Month

When planning a trip, you’ll need to know which times will suit you best, especially when the weather is involved. So, let’s take a look at London’s weather as it varies by month.

London in March

London Bridge on River Thames

March is favorable for those looking to miss the hustle and bustle of the London holiday travel season. Fewer tourists are visiting around this time as the winter months have just come to a close. Temperatures you can expect in March range from a high of 50॰F (10॰C) and a low of 37.4॰F (3॰C), although this may vary.

You can expect mostly cloudy or overcast days, at around 18 days per month, and partly or fully sunny skies for the remaining 13 days. In terms of rain, you can expect at least 16 days of slight rainfall. Weather in March can also vary drastically throughout the month, so be wary that some attractions might be closed.

London in April

St. Paul's Cathedral in London during Spring

April is best for a combination of warm weather and fewer tourists around the city. During April, temperatures that can be expected range between a high of 60.8॰F (16॰C) and a low of 39.2॰F (4॰C), with lower temperatures predominantly in the early-month stage.

You can expect around 18 days of rainfall throughout the month and sunny or partly sunny skies for the remaining 12 days. If you aren’t a fan of snow, you’re in luck, as snowfall in April is very rare. You can also expect light to moderate wind speeds.

Popular activities in April include bus and food tours around the city, concerts, music festivals, and watching soccer matches. April is also an excellent time to view popular attractions like Westminster Abbey.

Westminster Abbey in London

London in May

Rainy day in the streets of London

More tourists start to arrive during May as spring comes to a close and summer draws closer. This means that attractions will get busier as the month progresses.

May weather offers the warmest weather of the spring months and, as a result, is seen by many as the best time of year to visit London. Temperatures in May range between a high of 75.2॰F (24॰C) to a low of 37.4॰F (3॰C) on the coldest mornings, however typically, lower temperatures seen would be between 44.6॰F-50॰F (7॰C-10॰C).

Rainfall in May occurs for approximately 15 days at most but typically around eight days of the month, with the remaining 23 days being sunny or partly sunny. You can also expect light to moderate wind speeds.

Seasons in London | Weather and Activities

Summer in London (June, July, August)

Hyde park in London during Summer

Summer is undoubtedly the busiest of all seasons. It holds the longest days as well as the highest temperatures that London has to offer. Temperatures in this month range between highs of 69.8॰F-73.4॰F (21॰C-23॰C) to lows of 59॰F (15॰C). This weather is perfect for anyone who prefers warmer weather and outdoor activities.

To take advantage of the long days and warmer temperatures, outdoor activities in summer are best. London offers a wide range of festivals, restaurants, rooftop bars, and open-air tours to enjoy throughout the summer.

One such tour is the London Beatles Tour, which offers a trip to 35 different legendary sites in the band’s history, including the infamous Abbey Road crossing. Spring is also an excellent time to take advantage of clear sky days to enjoy the scenery from the London Eye.

Bottom view of the London Eye

For royal family lovers, summer is the perfect time to take a trip to Kensington Palace and enjoy the beautiful architecture, scenery, and history the location offers.

Kensington Palace in London during clear skies

Autumn in London (September, October, November)

London Eye during Autumn

Autumn months are slightly less active as temperatures drop around October. Temperatures that you can expect range from a high of 68°F (20°C) to a low of around 50°F (10°C). Autumn is the rainiest season, so to get full enjoyment out of your trip, it is recommended to stick to indoor activities—unless, of course, you love the rain.

Popular activities include Halloween events, bonfires, as well as festivals. If you are traveling in autumn, you can also enjoy an array of exhibitions and museums that showcase the beauty and history of London, such as the Natural History Museum.

The Natural History Museum in London

Autumn months in London also offer some of the most famous theater productions, including Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. Since London is viewed as the heart of the Harry Potter world, this is a great way to spend your time as a fan of the books or movies. If theater isn’t your cup of tea, consider the Harry Potter Warner Brothers Studio tour to view some famous locations and props used in the films.

London theatre showing a screening of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Winter in London (December, January, February)

London Bridge during Winter snowfall

If you want to enjoy a winter wonderland for your holiday season, winter in London is excellent. On average, snow days in London are around 16 days per year. Winter in London is typically freezing and rainy, with temperatures reaching averages between 48.2°F (9°C) and 41°F (5°C). Since it is so cold, indoor activities are usually recommended. So, don’t forget to dress appropriately to keep warm.

London Eye and woman dressing for Winter

Activities you can enjoy in winter include a variety of tours, museums, and food-based activities. The London Eye is still an option during Winter. You can never go wrong with a trip to Madame Tussauds, famous for displaying lifelike wax figures of some of the world’s most prominent figures.

Warning: Some attractions might be closed on account of poor weather.

Madame Tussauds in London

Winter in London is also perfect for those who love Christmas. The shorter days and dark evenings create a magical and unparalleled experience of the city’s Christmas lights. Tourist levels are also at a minimum during winter, so you can expect any attraction you visit to be less crowded.

London streets and Christmas lights in Winter

Spring in London (March, April, May)

London park in bloom during Spring

Spring is the second busiest season in London; however, earlier months tend to be less visited. The weather during spring varies drastically between rainy and sunny days. Temperatures that you can expect range anywhere between 75.2°F (24°C) to 37.4°F (3°C) on the coldest mornings or nights. Given the mild temperatures, many tourists are attracted to London during this time. However, late spring to early summer is the busiest.

If you would like to avoid the crowds, it is best to come during early spring. You can also enjoy mild temperatures and cheaper prices. This is also the best time to enjoy the beautiful gardens and flowers in bloom throughout the city. London is well-known for the stunning wisteria that blooms in springtime.

London wisteria flowers in bloom during Spring

Springtime is also best for enjoying the beauty of London’s parks, flower shows, and gardens or for outdoor cinema and festivals. The usual popular attractions, like the London Eye, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace, are all beautiful choices. The mild weather is also perfect for enjoying a serene and relaxing cruise or boat ride along the River Thames.

Yatch on the River Thames in London

Cheapest Time to Visit London

View of London from the Shard during night time

As a popular tourist destination, London has activities to suit everyone’s interests. With the large selection of attractions and sites, it is easy to get overwhelmed by choices. However, if you are looking to travel without breaking the bank, this section will help you answer the question: when is the cheapest time to go to London?

Typically, the most affordable time to travel is around the low-traffic season, between November and February. These months offer significant discounts and lower flight and accommodation costs. Late January or early February is usually the best time to fly to London, with the flight costs being drastically reduced due to low tourist activity.

Aeroplane wing during flight at Sunset

With all the money you will be saving on flight and accommodation costs, you can focus more on fun activities that are popular during the winter months. That means more time at famous locations like the Royal Albert Hall or numerous museums and exhibitions. It is worth noting that November to February involves some of the most unpredictable weather changes, so some attractions may be closed.

Quick Tip: You might want to check out some of the best budget-friendly activities when you’re in London.

Royal Albert Hall in London

Best Month to Visit London?

With all of that said, which month is best? Well, that depends. If your enjoyment depends on the type of weather you like, it could be any time of year. If you prefer wilder, warmer, and less rainy weather, then April or May are best.

However, if you are a budget traveler looking to save as much money as possible, traveling during the low tourist season is for you. That means that January or February are your best options.

Best Time to Travel to London | Final Thoughts

Notting Hill Road in London

Ultimately, the best time of year to go to London isn’t one-size-fits-all. It all depends on your preferences and goals for your trip. Whether you’re visiting to enjoy the beauty of famous attractions on sunny days, or a cozy family trip for Christmastime. Even if you’re looking to sightsee famous locations from movies like Notting Hill or your favorite musical artists. No matter what, London is sure to impress.

The verdict? London is the place to be all year round.


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